Hey there, I’m Hope, and I LOVE love!

I would be honored to help you celebrate your union.

My goal is to bring balance and inspiration into marriage preparation as you plan your wedding and not only honor, but strengthen your relationship. It can be a daunting task, but doesn’t have to be – and you certainly don’t need to do it alone. I’m here to guide you through!

The path to becoming a wedding officiant, pre-marital counselor and yoga teacher was an amazing journey. There were lots of surprises and so much to learn along the way. Therefore, I would be an excellent tour guide for you as you travel from engagement to wedding day.

Photo: Brindamour Studios

Here are some of my past highlights:

  • Moved from New York to Atlanta for college. I not only learned my “m’ams” and “sirs,” but worked for the ‘96 Olympic Games and Coca-Cola, co-founded a theatre company, was a personal chef, and performed and choreographed at some amazing theatres (whew!)

  • Headed West to Northern California to get my MFA in Interdisciplinary Theatre, and taught acting and dance to kids and adults.

  • Then completely out of the blue, one of my classmates and close friends asked me to officiate her wedding. I said no.

Needless to say, I changed my mind!

I realized that my friend needed my support, and I had to step up. So, on a chilly December day in 2009, I performed my first ceremony on a beach in Sausalito, CA. With our feet in the sand, we shared a moment of love and laughter, of community and promises for the future. It was such a magical experience, that I started the ordination process the very next day. Two years later, I embraced my new path, moved back to New York and fully stepped into my calling. And yes, while it may be woo-woo, I really consider it a calling.

A handful of educator, a scoop of performer, a dash of administrator and a whole lot of positive, nurturing energy. That’s me! Twelve years later, I continue to work with grooms and brides around the country to celebrate rites of passage & ritual, stay Zen and create memorable wedding ceremonies.

What people say about Hope–