Gratitudes A to Z: Let's Do This...D!
I have not done an A to Z Gratitude since...wait, for it...July! So I thought it would be fun...well, not really fun, but about time to try them again. For those of you keeping score at home, my buddy Tommy Housworth suggested I do these just as he had done on his blog. Mine however, are much shorter and certainly not as insightful. Well, no, they are insightful, but not as deep. There I said it, I am not very deep.Never mind, let's just get to the list.Okay, this is hard. I'm still thinking. I don't think I'm a fan of D. I have a feeling that these will be reaching just a bit.Dark Chocolate - It's the chocolate that's so called "good for you." And as I am currently on a smart eating plan that allows a bit of dark chocolate as a treat, I am very grateful for it.Dogs - While I do not own a dog, I did grow up with one. I appreciate their curiosity and boundless energy. They also listen and take commands much better than cats.Doodling - I cannot remember the last time I doodled. It was something that I certainly did in high school and I remember seeing my Dad's little sketches he did while on the phone in the kitchen. He used the little pad by the entrance where we used to write phone messages. Yes, I did just date myself. There used to be phones in our homes with chords...attached to a wall. And since we couldn't walk around very far, we doodled. I miss doodling. Sigh.My Dad - While I'm thinking about him, I'd like to give him a shout out. I don't say it enough; I really appreciate my father and the relationship that we have. I was (and still am) Daddy's Little Girl and I loved our time spent together in the outdoors during my youth. We used to fishing and to the beach and I absolutely treasure our annual day trip up to Lake Peekskill to have lunch on the beach and swim in the lake. We still do it to this day and it's certainly a highlight of the summer. Thanks, Dad!Dancing - It just makes me happy. I used to study it (tap, jazz, ballet, modern) and then I used to teach it (hip hop, bitches!). But most of all, it gave me the best understanding of my body. Now I like to put on a rockin' tune and have a little spontaneous dance party. I'd like thank Jennifer Denning for that little habit. She
forced encouraged me to start off my 28th birthday by dancing to 2 songs in my room by myself. Just thinking about it makes me smile.Um, okay I think I'm done. As with the others, if I think of another D, I will add it below. And of course, if you want to try your digits at it, feel free to play along.So, I thought of 2 more:David - I cannot believe I didn't think of my nephew, David when I originally posted yesterday. Either way, it does not diminish my complete love for that kid! He certainly engages my inner child and I adore his level of curiosity and candor. Oh, and the immediacy. It makes me wonder how we learn patience. I find it amazing to see the changes in both his physical growth and expanded intellect since I don't get to see him all that often.Dirt - My friend Tim suggested this yesterday when I told him about my challenge to find D words. I did think of this originally, but didn't feel compelled to add it. He changed my mind. First off, I love to get dirty. At least I really don't mind. And while I don't have a space for a garden, I love when I had space to plant flowers and vegetables and get my hands in some potting soil. In the larger sense, it's where our food grows, and with my affinity for the environment, we all need to be more mindful of how we treat the earth. And for that I have a huge appreciation for dirt.