The journey to the wedding day may be a winding one. I’m happy to share some tips and tricks along the way. I continually offer ways to strengthen your relationship, and provide additional resources & tools. Scroll on down, and click on a post that interests you. The comments are always open, and I would love to know what you think!
Gratituesday 1.21.25 - From the Frozen Tundra!
Gratituesday 1.7.25 - Happy New Year!
Well, happy new year, friends! When I was at the grocery store earlier today, I asked the clerk if it was too late to say, Happy New Year. He said, no. So there we go!
Gratituesday 12.3.24 - Where did the year go?
We’re now in December, the last month of 2024. And everyone is saying ‘where did the year go?’ As it gets colder, and we’re starting to hibernate, the focus turns inward. That usually means a lot of reflection of all of the things I have not done.
Gratituesday 11.19.24 - Reflecting on the Good
There’s a lot of bad out there. One of my premarital counseling couples recently mentioned their desire for OPTIMISM. And frankly, I need to join them here. So, it’s time to reflect and create my weekly lists. Care to join me? Let’s go!
Gratituesday 10.8.24 - Be Kind
The world is a chaotic place. It may always be that way, or it may just feel like it is right now. When I feel like this, I need to take a step back and be kind. Be kind to myself, but mostly be kind to others because I really don’t know what’s going on in their minds or experiences.
Gratituesday 9.24.24 - Grounding
Last week I lead a grounding mediation at a wedding industry event. Then over the weekend, one of my wedding couples and their siblings wanted to go through a little grounding ritual before the ceremony. I’m curious to know what’s going on to have people request this now. It may be the change of season or something else in the air.
Gratituesday 8.13.24 - Full Belly Gratitudes!
For some strange reason, I worked on these - my weekly lists right after both lunch and dinner. I guess I can add having a full belly to my gratitude list. I’m going to try and stay focused since I still have a few more tasks to complete before the end of the day. Care to join me in reflecting?
Gratituesday 7.9.24 - Gratitude Practice
In one of today’s counseling sessions, I encouraged a couple to offer 3 gratitudes to each other every day. There are so many benefits to a gratitude practice. I was going to say - needless to say. But I don’t think it’s so expected. Therefore, I thought I would take a moment to research the why.
Gratituesday 6.25.24 - I’m Melting!
Holy cow, it’s hot! I feel like I’m melting. I spent the last 9 days in the Pacific Northwest and I came back to a New York heatwave. I did splurge on ice cream a few times on my trip, but I have tried not to have sugary desserts in my apartment. However on my walk home, I almost stopped for ices and ice cream.
Gratituesday 4.23.24 - From Slavery to Freedom
The story of Passover is one of secrets and springtime, celebration and of course slavery. Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians and were released from bondage to walk through the dessert to freedom. However there is so much strife in our world. I am processing it all, and trying to make my Passover experience personal for me.
Gratituesday 4.2.24 - Rainy Day Palindrome
So as I walked home in the rain today, I was listening to an episode of Radiolab where they announced that today is the first of quite a few palindrome days this month. It was a replay of an audio recording from Short Cuts on the BBC. It was a piece that plays the same forward and backward. It was about place and home and belonging.
Gratituesday 3.5.24 - In Like a Lion?
Yes, March is supposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. However, we’ve had unseasonably warm days the last few days. This change of season is so confusing.
Gratituesday 2.20.24 - Anger Rising
Years ago when I still choreographing, there was a short dance I created for a musical. I told the dancers to feel this electric energy rising up their bodies and then take over into movement. Today that happened with anger. And just like the dance, it totally took over.
Gratituesday 1.16.24 - Brrr, it’s Cold!
So here in NYC, we have not seen snow in a while. And many of us have been a little annoyed. But this morning, I needed to head out early and there was indeed snow on the ground. I mean this was the first snow fall that we’ve seen in 700 days. Yippee! However that was not my first thought. Rather when seeing the snow I was annoyed. Brrr, it’s cold!
Gratituesday 12.19.23 - Community
For a long time my desires included a stronger personal and business circle. As an introvert, I will never have a large group of friends. However, I finally feel that there is community around me. The world continues to be a challenging place, but we have to find the joy and embrace the good.
Gratituesday 11.28.23 - Happy Gratituesday!
I thought about doing a Thanksgiving post last week to share what I was grateful for, but that didn’t happen. And even today, the gratitudes were the hardest to complete. I need to be better about reflecting on the good. Care to join me?
Gratituesday 11.14.23 - Conflict
With all of the armed conflict all around, it may be difficult to get out of bed. Or actually it may be too easy. But I do try to counter all of the negativity with some gratitude. I encourage you to do the same. Feel free to join me, or make some lists just for you.
Gratituesday 10.31.23 - Hey Old Friend
One of my closest friends got married over the weekend. So, I after 11 years, I headed back to the west coast. It gave me a good opportunity to see some other old friends - all from my time in Atlanta. So while my friend circle is rather small, it was a great reminder to make time and connect. Ah, let’s keep the reflection going. Here are my weekly lists.
Desire Wednesday 10.18.23 -
Gratituesday 9.19.23 - Changes of Season, Changes of Wardrobe
It’s finally starting to get cooler here in New York. It’s time to bring out the sweatshirts and sweaters. I’d like to be more intentional as the season changes. Care to join me? Let’s create some weekly lists. I’ll go first.