Coffee Shop Gratitudes

aries-new-moonThere's definitely something floating around in the Universe. I mean energetically. It could be because we are in the Aries New Moon - which is the new moon of the first zodiac sign. Everything is fresh and new. We can begin again. As a person who does not like change, this can cause problems. Right after I got sick I updated my operating system on my computer and then a number of my old programs no longer worked. A few days later the internet went out at my apartment so I could not download updates nor could my computer geek friend get on remotely to see what the heck we could do. So, I have been forced to head back to the library, McDonald's and other coffee shops to catch up on emails and catch up on social media. In fact yesterday, I had to go to friends house to have client meeting on Skype. Needless to say my habits are all off and while I thought about doing my gratitudes on Friday, it just didn't happen. I am proud to say I didn't freak out about it. Must be the regular meditation! But without further ado, here are my current lists.GRATITUDES1. My friends Tim and Justin for opening their home and allowing me to have an online client meeting. And then cooking me a lovely dinner!2. Warmer weather3. A cute coffee shop in the 'hood4. Caring co-workers5. Referrals from wedding vendorsCELEBRATIONS1. Booking another wedding couple2. My regular yoga practice3. My pants still fitting me well4. I FINALLY feel better5. The library closest to my house has re-openedDESIRESHere's where it's been a little difficult. Most of these are from last week. Sigh!1. Back on the foreign language band wagon2. Ukelele playing3. Finishing the Desire Map4. Starting a new bookFeel free to share your lists, encouragement and comments below! Have a great week.


Coffee Shop Gratitudes (again!)


Two Days Late Gratitudes!