Come and Gone Gratitudes!


It's Sunday night and I just realized that I did not do my Weekly Lists on Friday. I came back from Europe on Thursday afternoon and I have been running ever since. Luckily (knocking on wood...) I have not been affected by jet lag and have caught up on sleep around appointments and commitments. It's been a whirlwind, but as I am already in bed on Sunday night at 6:30pm, I need to take a moment and reflect on the goodness. Here we go!

1. Time, money and opportunity to go on vacation in Europe
2. Co-workers for welcoming me back and being interested in my adventures
3. My friend Tim for meeting me at the train and using his set of keys to let me into my apartment
4. My friend Jossie for keeping my home warm and taking care of Maxie
5. Vigie, Annette and Olga for sharing European adventures

1. Keeping the secret of my friend Randy's proposal to his lovely gal, Jackie!
2. Taking on my fears and touring solo in Barcelona one afternoon
3. Speaking my truth even though it's uncomfortable to say and hear
4. Not taking things personally
5. Budgeting well with few Euros left over

1. To ask for what I want and need
2. To stop selling myself short
3. To be pre-approved for a mortgage
4. Romance
5. To return to a regular yoga practice

Have anything to share? If so, please do. I encourage you to stop sitting back and join the conversation. Have a great week!


Ready, Set, Celebrate!


Paris Desires