Catching Up Gratitudes

Passover started on Friday and then my site was down on Saturday. So, here it is Tuesday and I am just getting to last weeks lists. No judgement, just what is. Lots to be thankful for, so here we go.

1. Time with my family
2. Supportive friends
3. Hot coffee
4. Not having to wear a hat
5. Increased wedding and catering work

1. Reaching out to new wedding colleagues
2. Finishing the March Yoga Challenge and starting April
3. Hosting a fun Passover Seder - and making brisket & macaroons for the first time!
4. Twelve pending weddings
5. Speaking up for myself and giving back

I need to write these down and carry them with me. I really didn't take any steps here. So, I'm just repeating the ones from last week...
1. Health insurance
2. a return to monthly massages
3. Time and energy to pay more attention to my style
4. New friends who challenge me and do not judge
5. To recognize creativity in the every day

All right, that does it. Better late than never. Please join and share, or feel free to encourage. I'll take it.


Draggin' My Feet Gratitudes!


Chugging along Gratitudes