Hey look, it's GRATITUESDAY!
Gratituesday! I know, clever, right? I hereby move my weekly lists to Tuesday. We got a cold snap last week and I got smacked with a cold. I have been laying low and only leaving my house when I have to. Today is all about catching up and cleaning up. Plus making turkey soup! Perfect for a rainy day. Without further ado, here are my weekly lists.
1. My holiday client that decided to serve turkey, so I could take the carcass
2. hot toddies
3. great coworkers
4. Time to rest
5. Pet stores that offer free delivery
1. Regular Spanish language lessons
2. A strong financial year
3. Finding a ladies suit that FITS!
4. A happy kitty that did not poop on the bed this week!
5. Continuing to receive validation of my talents & worth
1. A return to yoga once I feel better
2. To clean & organize my apartment by the end of the week
3. A massage
4. To find some good new books - and actually start reading
5. National universal health care - I know I'm dreaming big here!
Okay folks, now's your chance. Feel free to support my lists or add your own below. Happy & Merry and have a great rest of your week!