Celebration Friday 9.23.16

I have a little anxiety going on right now. I am not sure if it's because I drank too much coffee this morning or if I sense some impending doom. I'm rooting for the former. I'm trying to tick off a number of boxes today, so I think a little reflection is in order. Care to join me?

1. Regular home yoga practice - and posting videos to prove it!
2. An unclogged bathroom sink
3. A number of new wedding and counseling inquiries
4. Saying no thank you to things that do not serve me - or undervalue me
5. Satisfying my curiosity with more resources and reading

1. Catering leftovers
2. Coffee
3. The public library
4. My father who drives me to out of town weddings
5. The ability to watch TV on my computer

1. Return to regular language lessons
2. Being completely bug free
3. Writing weekly articles or posting videos about counseling topics
4. To live in a place that I love
5. Maxie to stop scratching the couch

Okay, folks that's it. Nice and easy. And honestly, I feel better already! Feel free to follow my lead and add your lists below. Or heck, I could use some cheerleaders, so if you want to offer words of encouragement, I'll take those, too! Here's to a great weekend ahead!


Celebration Friday 9.30.16


Celebration Friday!