Gratituesday 1.30.18 - Like it or Not!


For those that read these Weekly Lists on the regular, it should come as no surprise that keeping my kitchen clean is a challenge. After the amazing mess made by the burst pipe and clog, the universe made it clear that I had to start cleaning my kitchen. Luckily the caulking of the backsplash eliminated the bugs. However, I now have a little furry friend who's made my kitchen his new home.

I found a small hole in the bag of cat food and put the remainder in the plastic bin. I also vacuumed the pieces of food scattered in the cabinet, but there's something keeping him here. And while I'm a giant to him, I was up during the night at the first sound of scratching or squeaking and now I'm afraid to go into the kitchen. As I worked on my Artist's Way tasks, sitting on my couch, I did see something scurrying along the threshold of the kitchen.

My cat, Maxie largely hides out in the closet, but he was on full alert earlier this afternoon. Sitting by the kitchen entrance, by the small closet and perching on top of the radiator. Help is on the way, but they won't be here until Friday morning. In the meantime, I'll be strong, attempt to enter the kitchen and eventually clean and organize.


1. Great colleagues

2. Hot coffee

3. A local yoga studio that offers inexpensive classes

4. Living in a city with tons of arts & culture

5. the Internet (come on net-neutrality!)


1. Ten inquiries this week!

2. Some a-ha moments about money (thanks to Week 6 of The Artist's Way)

3. Tons of networking this week

4. Having my tax prep complete and ready to send to my accountant!

5. Upping my IG game and seeing more LIKES


(yes, these are on repeat)

1. A home I love

2. A date

3. More travel

4. To give without regret

5. Being able to go into my SPOTLESS kitchen without fear

Okay folks, that's it. Now's your turn. Feel free to send encouragement and comments below. And of course, you are more than welcome to add your own lists, too. More importantly, stay warm and have a great week!


Gratituesday 2.6.18 - Too tired!


Gratituesday 1.23.18 - Coffee Scrub Recipe