Gratituesday 1.9.18 - Get Up & Go!


The weather this week around the country has been brutal. Super cold, snowy and windy. Luckily I primarily work from home so I was able to stay warm inside without too much trouble. My cat, Maxie is happy to use me as his personal heater and to be honest, it's nice to have him purring on my lap as I binge-watch 'The Crown' and 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.'

Today, however, it was a balmy 43 degrees! So, I jumped out of bed and took myself to see 'The Shape of Water.' It won the Golden Globe for Best Picture and I have not been to the movies in forever. As Elisa sat on the edge of the tank eating her lunch with the Amphibian Man, I ate my egg sandwich and sipped my coffee. It was the perfect Artist's Date! When I left the theater it was sunny and bright as the snow melted on the Upper Westside. Lots of positive energy around me, so it's the perfect time to reflect and share. Join me, will ya?


1. Being able to have the window open today

2. Sunshine and blue skies

3. Inexpensive hair care being a hair model

4. My Artist's Way Sacred Circle

5. For having a schedule that allows me to go to matinee movies and meet colleagues for lunch


1. The FOUR bookings I desired last week! I have three new counseling couples and 1 new wedding couple. Woot!

2. Regular daily yoga and a strong Side Crow/Parsvabakasana to start the year

3. A full 7 days of writing Morning Pages for the Artist's Way and doing most of the end-of-chapter tasks

4. Eight new inquiries this week. Three for counseling and 5 for weddings!

5. Keeping food waste to a minimum


1. A clean kitchen sink

2. To sleep better

3. No more tooth ache

4. To write more

5. To be surrounded by mindful, positive people (Come on, New Yorkers!)

Okay, that last one may be a stretch, but if I give out positive energy, I'm bound to get it back, right? Anyway, now it your turn. It's easy. Add your comments, questions and lists in the comment section below. I love a good cheerleader and promise to be reciprocal! Let's go! Here's to staying positive and a great week ahead!


Gratituesday 1.16.18 - Creating Rituals


Gratituesday 1.2.18 - Going Within