Gratituesday 9.18.18 - Dragging and Itchy!
I have been very tired lately. I've been putting up quite a front, but I'm just dragging. That may be that I've been working long hours or perhaps it's because my cat wakes me up multiple times throughout the night. My fall allergies have hit me hard, so I am also super itchy. Dragging and itchy. Nice, right?
I was actually in bed early and just got out since I completely forgot to do my weekly lists earlier today. And of course now I'm thirsty and I am fasting for Yom Kippur, so this may not end well! My positive lists, just went into complain mode! My bed is a-callin' so I'll make this quick. Without further ado, here are my Gratitudes, Celebrations & Desires! Let's go.
1. My parents for their amazing support
2. Living alone. If I'm messy and am behind in my cleaning, I have a little leeway!
3. Catering leftovers
4. Open windows and hot coffee
5. My unlimited Metrocard this week
1. Finally treated myself to a pedicure yesterday
2. Leading a lovely mini-meditation today
3. An emotional wedding over the weekend, with tons of compliments from the newlyweds and guests
4. Buying new mini-blinds to replace the broken one in my main room. It's not installed yet, but I finally picked it up!
1. For my allergy medication to work better. from itchy mouth and ears to a runny nose. I really cannot wait until first frost!
2. No bugs! I know I live in a big and dirty city, but it's just gross
3. No pain in my lower back. I started acupuncture yesterday, so hopefully I'm on the path
4. A truly clean apartment
5. 7 days of yoga starting on Friday, including 1 public yoga class a week
6. For Maxie to stop pooping on the bed!
So I struggled a bit with the celebrations. And in my tiredness, the desires were much easier. Therefore I decided to stop trying to come up with a 5th Celebration so I could go back to sleep! Feel free to add your comments, questions and lists of your own below. Here's to being inscribed in the Book of Life for one more year and to a truly fulfilling week. Nighty, night!