Gratituesday 9.5.23 - Out of Focus

I’m not sure why, but I’ve been a little out of focus lately. I have my to do lists, and I’ve used the Pomodoro Technique to keep me on track. But I have either not wanted to do my tasks or it’s taken me a LONG time to get them done. Yes, yes, I am a person who values productivity. I like to use my time wisely. However, I need to also value rest. And perhaps my body and mind are telling me that it’s okay to not get things done. So before I take a nap, let me do a little reflection and create my weekly lists. Okay, I have not been consistent with doing them weekly, but here we go. If you want to join me, the comment section is always open. Let’s go!


  1. My new meal prepping app

  2. Strong coffee

  3. My accountability partner(s) for checking in daily

  4. My yoga practice and the students who hold me accountable

  5. Fellow wedding pros for sharing information about my upcoming premarital counseling group workshop


  1. Social time with friends

  2. Finally scheduling Yoga for Wedding Pros (and getting the word out)

  3. Checking some cleaning tasks off my list

  4. Being smarter with my credit card points

  5. Prioritizing ‘me’ time


  1. Compiling a health care team

  2. Five counseling and wedding inquiries this week

  3. Cooler temps. I know I will be sad when it gets cold, but 90 degrees after Labor Day is silly!

  4. Organizing my apartment AND

  5. Getting rid of things I do not need (this is huge, and needed to be split into two steps!)


Gratituesday 9.19.23 - Changes of Season, Changes of Wardrobe
