Gratituesday 12.3.24 - Where did the year go?

We’re now in December, the last month of 2024. And everyone is saying ‘where did the year go?’ As it gets colder, and we’re starting to hibernate, the focus turns inward. That usually means a lot of reflection of all of the things I have not done, but I need to remember all of celebrations and gratitudes, as well. Not surprising, the DESIRES this week were the easiest to complete. I had more to include, but I wanted to stop at 5.

In truth, the year went by just as every other year. We sometimes have good time management, and sometimes we do not. The great news, is that we have a fresh new YEAR in a few weeks. But let’s end this year with fulfillment and joy. Care to join me in my weekly lists? Awesome, let’s go!


  1. Hot coffee and my lemon, ginger & honey concoction

  2. A decent internet connection to work, and stream and read

  3. A great apartment with running water and heat

  4. My accountability partner, Artem, for checking in daily

  5. My yoga practice, and for Kate for showing up regularly


  1. Buying side tables for my living room - and was able to get the shipping address changed since I accidentally clicked a friend’s address

  2. Finally going to all of the Union Square Hospitality Group restaurants. Visited The Modern last week!

  3. Jumping back into writing my book - baby steps!

  4. Having time with friends and eating good food

  5. Setting myself up financially


  1. to get rid of this coughing and sneezing and general ick situation

  2. to be more dedicated about my health - both being active and eating more fruits and veggies

  3. to write and send a newsletter to my mailing list this week

  4. to find a hobby - or do things that do not involve food

  5. to hang black out curtains in my bedroom


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