Unconditional Support


At the end of 2020, I gathered with some friends to look back at the past year, and look forward to year ahead. Using Year Compass I was asked to pick a word to symbolize and define the year ahead. I chose GENEROSITY. I had an a-ha moment last year when I realized that some times when I give there’s an expectation that I need to receive something. So, it got me thinking about unconditional support. Can I just give without the need to get back?

As I embrace generosity, I told my accountability partners that I would find some way to GIVE each month this year. For those that have done pre-marital counseling with me, you probably remember in the financial discussion the questions on ‘giving back.’ We looked at volunteering and philanthropy, plus brainstorming causes and organizations that resonate with you. Here are some tips and resources I’ve found along the way. I’m also going to use them all year long!

What Matters to You?

Grab a piece of paper or open a blank document on your computer. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and contemplate what’s important to you. Open your eyes, set a timer for 2 minutes and just write.

When the timer goes off, go back and see if there are any themes or repeating ideas. What matters to you? Is there an organization in your community that supports that? Did you name a specific organization in your free write? If not, you may need to do some research to find some options. Then it will be up to you if you want to give your TIME or donate your MONEY.


If you have an organization or charity you want to support, you may see some volunteering options on their website. Or you can call to see what their needs are. You can also identify the skills and knowledge that you offer and see who may need that. It may be helpful to also determine how much time you have to give. Here is a list of national sites that can pair you with an organization.

Volunteer Match
All for Good/Engage

Charitable Giving

If you don’t a ton of fee time, you may choose to give money instead. I know when we hear philanthropy, we may think of a wing in our favorite museum or making a huge contribution. However, most organization are happy with any amount given - large or small. So, give what you can. In many religious faiths, tithing is a part of the tradition. For Christianity, that’s 10% of your income. In Islam, it’s 2.5%. And Buddhist and Hindu communities sustain themselves through Dana, the “practice of cultivating generosity,” where no amount is set. However, before you give, you may want follow these tips.

  1. Know Where your Money is Going - Guide Star lists organization’s “spending ratio.” Or you can always call or email a charity directly and ask.

  2. Make Sure You’re Donating to a Legitimate Organization - Head over to Give or Charity Watch to see if an organization is legitimate and in good standing.

  3. Figure out if Your Donation is Tax-deductible - Charity Navigator can easily tell you if the organization you’re supporting is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, and if your contributions are tax-deductible.

Let’s keep the discussion going. I would love to know what your WORD of the year may be. And if you are joining me in some type of support (unconditional or not), I would love to know that, too! The comment section below is always open. Or feel free to send an email.


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