Celebration Thursday 8.17.17 - No procrastination!

It's been a fairly busy week and my to-do list is LONG! Most of it is administrative work related to A More Perfect Union and there's not a ton of urgency so the procrastination quotient WAY up. I think what I'll need to do is create blocks of time and schedule tasks. Perhaps tomorrow... In the meantime, I've been delinquent on my weekly lists. So there definitely has been some celebrations and gratitudes that went unmentioned. For example, one of my past brides had access to Hamilton as she plays in the pit orchestra. It was an easy thing to do for her, but it was very kind and generous and I got the opportunity to go backstage afterwards. This week, even though Gratituesday has come and gone, we're returning to Celebration Thursday! Let's go!

1. Dedicated time for yoga. I took Jason Crandell's 3 Day Workshop for yoga teachers. It's been a long time since I've practiced for 2 hours straight. And boy were my hamstrings sore!
2. I started working with 2 new counseling couples this week
3. Lots of networking and some great potential collaborators
4. Fitting into my pants again!

1. More self-care. I really would like a pedicure and massage!
2. A clean kitchen sink
3. A home I love
4. More kindness and understanding, less racism and violence. We're in a very scary time in our country's history. Lots of hatred and division. We need to be stronger about our values and what's acceptable in our society. There has to be a way for us to grow together as a nation without greed and fear.
5. To be more savvy with tech & social media

1. Gorgeous, sunny days
2. Strong coffee
3. Friends and family members to offer advice as I put an offer on an apartment and then moved on
4. Time to nap
5. The ability to claim unemployment

All right folks, that should do it. Now's your turn. Please comment or question below. Extra points if you share your OWN lists. I promise to support you with praise and accountability. Let's do this together! Have a wonderful week!


Gratituesday 8.29.17 - Ready for Consistency


Put a Ring on It - an event for newly engaged couples 9/12/17