Gratituesday 9.5.17 - Hello September
I started writing this post yesterday, but didn't complete until today. I'm keeping the Gratituesday on a Wednesday anyway, thank you very much!I have a hard time believing it's September. Where the heck has the year gone? While I'm thankful for the cooler temperatures, I am not quite ready for fall. MaryAnn Hay, one of the women in my networking group asked the group if we were on track with our yearly goals in the last meeting. And honestly, I'm not. She then reminding us that we have 4 months to get back on track! I guess I need to restate my goals and create at least 3 actions steps for each one if I want to see some progress. If anyone wants to join me in this challenge, let me know. In the meantime, I need to be better about reflecting so the days feel more PRESENT rather than past. Let's go!
1. Sunny days - even though today is rather rainy.
2. A close family
3. Close proximity to public transportation
4. Hot coffee
5. All of the generosity to those affected by Hurricane Harvey. It's hard to watch all of the destruction and feel powerless to help. I have given money to the Houston Humane Society and Global Giving, but I know for many it's an uphill battle. And with Hurricane Irma hitting the US this weekend, there will be more who will lose homes and lives.
1. Booking another counseling couple yesterday
2. Better social media interaction
3. Continued home yoga practice
4. A CLEAN kitchen sink! Woot!
5. Starting to update my website
1. To let jealousy go
2. A more complex yoga practice - with dedication on side crow!
3. A new phone
4. A date
5. More work
Okay folks, that's it. The weather is encouraging me to take a nap, but I am going to be productive and look at my goals. I encourage YOU to tackle September and add your weekly lists below. I promise to be your biggest cheerleader and hold you accountable. Let's go!