Gratituesday 5.19.20 - I'm Grateful. Are You?

A grateful boy stands in a field with his arms wide open

A grateful boy stands in a field with his arms wide open

Usually I fill this space with some new insight I want to share. An experience or a thought, a resource or a tip. But I have to say, I've got nothing! Or at least nothing is coming to mind. Tuesdays for me are all about reflecting and sharing the positive things in my life. So I am making a call to action to get you involved here. Truly.

I'm not going to lie, life is hard right now. Especially in New York City we are still sheltering in place with no plan to open in the short term. With the work I do, we don't know when we will be able to gather again, and so I will be waiting (and working a little from home) indefinitely. This uncertainly breeds negativity. I know that many of you are experiencing it too, from real estate to restaurants, from theatre to travel. We're all on pause, however these are first world problems. I have to count my blessings for I am privileged and healthy. I know others cannot say the same.

So yes, there's lots that stinks, but there is SO MUCH GOOD. I'm grateful. Are you? So I ask you to please share it this week. Add ONE thing your grateful for, or want to celebrate. Or heck email me directly. I truly want to go.

I'm an overachiever so I have expanded lists, but feel free to start small. I'll go first.


1. My circle of officiants for being a huge support circle as we navigate all things postponement and online ceremonies

2. Coffee & gin cocktails - 2 separate things, I don't drink them together!

3. All of the free online classes and resources for branding and marketing assistance

4. My yoga practice and my small group of students

5. No line at the Whole Foods, so I could get milk, eggs and SUSHI rather quickly


1. I performed my first video wedding ceremony this morning - and did the legal signing simply

2. Creating and USING my social media content calendar

3. On day 62 of Spanish lessons on Duolingo, and my nephew joins me virtually 2 days a week!

4. Starting to optimize my website for SEO and seeing the results

5. Being able to say 'no'


1. For my vertigo to truly go away. I was a little premature in the victory of its release. It showed back up 2 days ago. Whomp, whomp!

2. To fully clean my kitchen (I need to put it on the calendar!)

3. Organize the remaining boxes in my guest room

4. To feel safe to donate and sell some items I no longer need

5. A hair cut!

Now YOU! Go.


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