Gratitudesday 10.6.20 - Two Truths & a Lie


You know that game two truths and a lie? It’s where you offer 3 statements and those playing with you have to guess which is the lie. Well, I feel we are in an extended match with our current administration. We read the news to understand what’s going on in our country, and we cannot tell truth from fiction. It’s as if leadership and honesty don’t matter anymore. It’s not only frustrating, but perplexing.

We grow up believing that our elders are bearers of the truth and have our best interests at heart. We look to doctors to give us the best medical advice, and I looked to my contractor, architect and team of tradesmen to give me expert advice on the renovation of my apartment. While there was always a sense of dishonesty in politics, we look to our leaders to tell us the truth. How maddening to watch a presidential debate where our current president feels like he can say anything he wants, and even the fact-checkers point out the myriad of lies. But there is no consequence.

There is so much that we don’t know, and I personally do not how to find the answers. I guess the lack of clarity forces us to do the work. We can no longer sit back and be spoon-fed. I need to dig deeper, ask smarter questions, research multiple sources and acknowledge if I’ve shared false information. I know that many are already doing this, and unfortunately many are not as they hear something that interests them or fits their narrative and share it without checking if it’s true or not.

We can all do better. Perhaps we the people can lead by example, and the experts will follow.

In the meantime, let’s reflect as we dig deeper. How ‘bout a little weekly gratitudes, victories and desires? Care to join me? Awesome! The comments are open below for you to add your own!


  1. My regular yoga students

  2. Referrals from amazing colleagues

  3. Hot showers & hot coffee

  4. Mostly mask wearing, respectful people on the subway

  5. My ability to be creative with meal planning & creation - Japanese Cabbage Pancakes, anyone? Pass the sake!


  1. I booked 4 elopements and one new counseling couple this week

  2. Figuring out new systems to streamline my business

  3. Two hundred consecutive days of Spanish lessons on Duolingo

  4. Getting through to the other side of vertigo

  5. Making a great batch of granola today, and prepping for scones tomorrow


  1. For Maxie to stop biting my face in the middle of the night

  2. A clean & organized home

  3. More emphasis on fulfillment in my personal life

  4. To finally be done with the renovation phase of home ownership. Yup, I’m still dealing with that shizzle.

  5. A safe manicure/pedicure


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