Gratituesday 2.23.21 - Just Vent, Just Listen


This afternoon I had another no-show for an intro call with a colleague. So I called my mother because I just needed to vent. I am really trying to complain less, however we need to let our disappointments go. So it’s nice from time to time, to just share without an expectation of solving any problems. Just vent and let it go.

I do hear that a lot in premarital counseling. I ask my couples what they each need when they are scared or hurting. Usually they just need the other to listen. Or perhaps hold them and let them know everything is going to be okay.

So today, I just needed to share my disappointment without figuring out ways to stop other people wasting my time. I guess I should figure that out, too. But let’s go one step at a time.

I’d rather start with the good. Let’s look at our Gratitudes, Victories and Desires together. Care to join me in sharing your list? Awesome. The comment section is always open to share or question, offer encouragement or motivation. I promise to do the same for you. Let’s go.


  1. Hot coffee & red wine

  2. Free online yoga classes - to challenge my personal practice, as well as my teaching

  3. Online wedding resources in order to build community

  4. Singing in the shower

  5. When Spotify works well, like now - and there are good songs that come up on one of my musical theatre playlists


  1. Drinking more water daily

  2. 340 consecutive day of Spanish lessons on Duolingo

  3. Booking 3 new wedding couples this week

  4. Majorly reducing my food waste

  5. Updating my cleaning schedule on my to-do list app in a way that makes more sense


  1. For the neighbor who continues to throw trash out their window to stop (oy!)

  2. A full week of a clean and empty kitchen by bed time

  3. To get back to reading regularly

  4. For Maxie to stop biting my face during the night

  5. To keep giving because it feels good, and I want to - without expecting anything in return


How to Write Your Own Wedding Vows
