Gratituesday 2.28.23 - There’s Plenty of Time

I know that the phrase, “there aren’t enough hours in the day” is commonly used by productive and busy people everywhere. However, I’m here to tell you that there is plenty of time! Sure our lives are short, and in order to get the most out of it (and give the most) we shouldn't waste our time. However, on a daily basis, we need to work smarter and not harder. And if we lift our heads up from our screens, we can get a lot done.

I’m not saying I’ve mastered this. But I am certainly on the path. Procrastination tends to get the better out of me, but I’m learning how to push past it. So tasks that I tend to dread or where I drag my feet, usually are much simpler that I think. And they usually take less time to complete and the satisfaction and relief are HUGE.

So what I do? I eat the frog first!

Wait, what?

Apparently, many years ago Mark Twain said something like, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” In other words, get the nasty stuff over first. If you’re dragging your feet on something, tackle it early in the day and you will get it done. Author, Brian Tracy took it a step further with his bestselling book about time management.

But I find that if I jump into the things that I HAVE to get done, they get done. For example, I had my trash and recycling by my front door for a full day. I walked by it dozens of times and I said to myself that I need to take it out. However, did I? Nope. I JUST took a moment and emptied all trash cans into one main one, did a quick sweep of my recycling and brought it to the basement. I stopped at the slop sink to wash out the cans and I was back upstairs in less than 10 MINUTES! All of that walking around the trash cans and procrastinating for nothing! So I truly believe we have plenty of time, we’re just not using our time wisely.

Where do you tend to drag your feet? Is there a task or series of tasks that you know you need to do, but don’t? Of course, taking time to reflect got me started on my weekly lists. Care to join me? Awesome, I’m happy to go first. The comment section is always open to ask or share. Let’s go!


  1. Everyone that cared for Maxie when I was away

  2. Steam heat and warm hats and gloves

  3. Supplemental work

  4. My yoga practice and the small but mighty band that shows up to practice with me

  5. An amazing apartment to call home. (Gosh, the number of homeless in Paris and New York is staggering)


  1. Getting travel on the calendar this year. (One trip down, at least THREE to go!)

  2. More wedding inquiries this week (bring ‘em on!)

  3. Another successful dinner party

  4. 1059 days of language lessons on Duolingo. (I’m now back to Spanish - from French)

  5. Getting all of my tax prep to my accountant and taking care of my finances


  1. Hydration in general. Drinking more water and care for my super dry skin

  2. More bookings for both weddings and counseling

  3. Catching up on my cleaning and content calendars

  4. For Maxie to stop screaming and biting

  5. To choose the organization(s) to support with my business in March and April


Vendors I Love: MEGAN & KENNETH
