Gratituesday 3.16.21 - Ready for Spring!


After a LONG year, we’ve also had a tough winter. I can finally feel a change in the air, but gosh, I am ready for Spring! There is a sense of possibility and hope at the end of Winter. However after the dumpster fire that was 2020, I think we can all use some hope and possibility, don’t you?

I have long shared my frustration about not feeling settled. I finally found some personal stability and then COVID hit. I know we can see a light at the end of the tunnel, but I’m back in limbo and I don’t like it.

I know I’m a privileged individual and we’re talking first world problems. But I’ve worked so hard, and this constant anticipation is draining. You know what’s best for this minor venting? A bit of perspective and listing all of the good, as well as the areas I have control to change. Welcome to Gratituesday and my weekly lists. If you care to join me, the comment section is always open below. Off we go!


  1. My yoga students who expand my teaching practice

  2. Fuzzy socks to keep my feet warm (it’s cold, y’all!)

  3. Sunny days

  4. Hot coffee and red wine

  5. Some amazing wedding colleagues


  1. Scheduling my first trip of 2022

  2. Daily Spanish lessons on Duolingo for 361 days

  3. Negative COVID tests

  4. A clean kitchen sink for the last 2 evenings

  5. Stronger side crow pose from practicing it regularly on Mondays


  1. More counseling inquiries

  2. A stronger friend circle

  3. A mani-pedi

  4. Getting back on track with my cleaning schedule

  5. For the neighbor who continues to throw trash out their window to STOP!


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