Gratituesday 7.12.22 - Nothing to Complain About
I am not sure when it started, but when I spoke to my dad and asked how he was, he replied, “Nothing to complain about.” At first I found it a little odd, since it was new, but then I grew to love the intentionality of it all. We are a society of complainers. As I reflected on these week’s lists, I thought that the weather lately is either too hot or too cold. That can easily expand to any of my desires or forgetting to take some frozen milk out of my freezer for my morning coffee. While I try to be positive and Zen, I can switch to ‘complaining’ as a default.
It may be time to fully adopt my father’s mantra of “Nothing to complain about.” While it may throw some items under the rug, it will probably stop mindless venting. There’s a good chance that it will make me realize what’s important and what’s not. What is just simple venting and what actions I can take to make myself happy. Just this simple exercise leads to more reflection and the reminder to consider the good in my life and simple victories. Care to join me in a bit of positivity? Coolio, I’m happy to go first. The comment section is always open to add your own!
A fan and AC in my apartment
Cold brew in the morning
My parents ability to drive me to some out of town weddings
My Apple Watch for telling me when I need to get my butt up and walk around
An accountability partner that checks in daily
834 days of Spanish lessons on Duolingo
Tackling my cleaning and content daily calendars
Continuing my commitment to regular connections - not daily - but it’s amazing to keep up with friends and colleagues old and new
Staying dedicated to my bi-weekly yoga practice
Getting a clean bill of health at my last round of doctor’s appointments
For my computer to stop shutting down without warning
For my cat to stop biting me in the middle of the night
To get some good wedding and counseling inquiries this week
To schedule all upcoming travel
To clean and organize my dining room THIS WEEK