Gratituesday 8.17.21- Water, water, everywhere!


I love being on the water or by the water. There’s something about boating or being on the beach that is so calming. While, I loved living in Atlanta, I hated being landlocked. So when I moved to the Bay Area and back to my native New York, I really appreciated having regular access to bodies of water. Water, water, everywhere! Even if it was just to look out over the traffic to see the Hudson River.

In meditation two weeks ago, we focused on the sacral chakra which is associated with the element of water. So as we considered creativity and emotions, we also touched on the fluidity in this chakra or energy center.

Two instances of positivity with water.

And then there is my plumbing issues.

What started out as water occasionally coming up into my kitchen sink has turned into regular flooding of my toilet and the drain under my washing machine. A number of plumbers have used my toilet to snake the line pulling out baby wipes and paper towels. Two things I do not use. But my toilet continues to bubble up and overflow. It’s causing me to HATE water! Or hate whichever neighbor keeps throwing things down their drains.

I was going to say, “first world problems.” But it stopped being a first world problem weeks ago when sewage water poured out of my laundry closet into the room and warped my floors.

But I am sad that it’s messing with my beloved water. I am doing my best to separate the two. Celebrating the beauty of water along with it’s power - which is sometimes negative. Needless to say, it leads to a lot of reflection. And with reflection comes my weekly lists. Care to join me in sharing your gratitudes, victories and desires? Awesome! I’ll go first. The comment section is always open below for you to share, question or add your own.

Off we go!


  1. Time with friends

  2. Cold brew and white wine

  3. A washing machine and dryer in my apartment

  4. My two building supers for assisting during the flooding

  5. Great wedding colleagues


  1. Catching up with my cleaning schedule and content calendar - baby steps, baby!

  2. Worrying less about money

  3. 513 consecutive days of Spanish lessons on Duolingo

  4. Being caught up with writing upcoming wedding ceremonies

  5. Having success with Warrior 3 in yesterday’s yoga class


  1. Resolution with all of the plumbing issues in the building

  2. To close out all of my permits from renovating in 2019

  3. More premarital counseling inquiries this week

  4. To be better about meal planning

  5. A massage




Desire Wednesday 8.11.21 - Curveballs