Gratituesday 9.21.21 - Crazy, Crazy Week!

I have a crazy, crazy week this week. Many of my colleagues have juggled and been overwhelmed for the last few months. After months of downtime, everyone is playing catch-up. Thankfully I have been able to balance a bit. But I love that the only break I have in my week aligns with Gratituesday! It’s going to be a challenge to breathe deeply and keep up with my daily meditation and Spanish lessons, but I should have moments on the subway or bits of downtime along the way. In any case, I thought it smart to really take a moment to reflect and remember the good and plan for the future. Welcome to my weekly lists. Feel free to join me. The comment section is always open!


  1. Gorgeous weather

  2. Catering leftovers

  3. My parents for driving me to out of town weddings

  4. Hot coffee

  5. My yoga practice - but I would like to expand it a bit, after wedding season!


  1. Passing my water inspection

  2. 546 days of Spanish lessons on Duolingo

  3. Time for some self-care today

  4. Proper balance between my allergy medication and cough drops

  5. Great news on the health front


  1. Starting the repairs in my apartment after the flooding

  2. Drinking more water

  3. The end of covid so I can start traveling the world

  4. For people to put kindness and generosity over greed

  5. To connect with friends I’ve not spoken with in a while


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Desire Wednesday 9.8.21 - Choices and Trade-offs