Guest Post: Consulting a Divorce Coach
I created my premarital counseling program as a way to prepare couples for marriage. The path I chose was looking at the causes for divorce in this country - and then talking through each one. My couples are in the beginning of their relationships, they don’t really consider divorce. Sure, we talk about prenups, but that’s basically it. But even with all the proper preparation, some marriages are not meant to be. So, I always have some resources to assist if divorce is the best way forward for you. Here’s a guest post from KIM WEST of NAVIGATING THE KNOT. — HM
I viscerally remember the moment I found out my husband was having an affair. I remember doubling over from the shock of it, being unable to catch my breath or stop the torrent of tears from surging forth. I remember my disbelief as I proceeded to painfully discover, one after another, all of the other terrible secrets he’d been keeping from me, as well. And I remember shakily calling my parents and sharing the heartbreaking news with them: I had no idea how, but I was going to have to get a divorce.
When you find yourself headed down the road to marriage dissolution – a road you never imagined having to take – you typically do not have the slightest clue as to where you should begin. I know this to be true for two reasons: (1) I experienced it myself firsthand, and even though I had a law degree from a top-tier law school under my belt, I felt completely disoriented, and (2) after having worked as a divorce consultant, coach, and Certified Divorce Specialist (CDSTM) for years now, this question of “what should I do first?” is one of the most common that I hear.
If I knew then what I know now, I would have started by contacting a divorce coach instead of a divorce attorney.
Well, there are several reasons:
1. To have more options. There are many different paths you can take to get divorced. While hiring an attorney may sometimes be the best option for a given person in light of their circumstances, that certainly isn’t always the case. In fact, if you rush to hire an attorney, you could thereby be limiting yourself from pursuing other paths – some of which could potentially grant you greater control over the outcome of your divorce.
It’s important to assess the various options that are out there (a process that I often assist my clients with as their coach) and determine which will be the best fit for you.
2. To save time. When a prospect books a free initial consultation with me, instead of having to deal with a conflict check or other roadblocks, they can expect to receive guidance, clarity, and direction on that very first call. A coach helps their clients by providing them with a roadmap of the divorce process, assisting them in selecting a strategy for moving forward, and holding them accountable for completing the tasks necessary to get through the process in an efficient manner.
3. To save money. Although attorneys have a great deal of value to offer, retaining one is typically not cheap. Working with a coach, while a financial commitment of its own, can not only enable you to learn about more cost-effective options you might have at your disposal, but can also help you save money throughout the divorce process by preventing you from making costly mistakes.
In sum, going through a divorce is unfortunately an incredibly overwhelming and complex event. By opting to reach out to a divorce coach as an initial step, you can learn about the options you have for moving forward and often save time as well as money on the process as a whole.
photo by Alicia Rios
If you ever have questions related to divorce, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email, on Instagram, or by booking a free initial consultation call. You do not have to go through it alone, and I would love to be of support.
About Kim West:
Kim is the founder of a company called Navigating the Knot. She works as a consultant and coach specializing in the marriage and divorce process, providing clients nationwide with clarity and guidance on either end of marriage – from educating them on what they need to know before getting married to advising those approaching, going through, or looking to recover from divorce.
So in 2017, she chose to turn her pain into her purpose and left the corporate world to start her own company providing education and support to others surrounding marriage and divorce. Kim offers one-on-one coaching services to clients nationwide via phone, Skype, or Zoom video calls.
When she isn't assisting clients, Kim enjoys rock climbing, running, hiking, snowboarding, and mountain biking. She loves to travel, spend time with her dog (a puggle named Clover), and forge new connections.