Victory Thursday 10.14.21 - Lead with Success!

It’s been over a year since I’ve lead with my successes. I have been celebrating Gratituesday primarily so if I missed a Tuesday, I tended to just skip the week. My last few days were super busy. I started my weekly lists, but didn’t finish until today. So welcome back to Victory Thursday. I welcome you to join in the fun. The comment section below is always open for you to add your thoughts, questions or dare I say your OWN lists!

I’ll start.


  1. Not worrying about money

  2. Being better about my cleaning schedule, however with contractors here again, all bets are off

  3. The return to my social content calendar

  4. Booking three weddings today!

  5. Sticking up for what I need


  1. For my upstairs neighbors to stop throwing baby wipes in the toilet causing blockage and flooding in my apartment

  2. For repairs to my floors and doors to be completed cleanly and as quickly as possible

  3. More counseling inquiries, please!

  4. A massage

  5. For Maxie to stop knocking things off my night stands in the middle of the night. He has NOT stopped biting, but I am just tired of typing that desire (sigh!)


  1. Hot coffee

  2. My yoga practice

  3. Steady healing

  4. A good internet connection

  5. Catering leftovers


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