I refer to the chakras regularly in my yoga classes. In fact, they are the foundation of my wedding yoga practice. The chakras may be hard to grasp, but there are a number of “ways in” - physical, emotional and spiritual. Feel free to check out past posts - Muladhara or The Root Chakra and Svadisthana or The Sacral Chakra. Today we’re going to the tippy top and talking about chakra number 7.


The crown chakra is considered to be the top of the chakra ladder. It connects you to the universe in the same way that the root chakra connects you to the Earth. Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra gives us access to higher states of consciousness as we open ourselves to what is beyond our personal preoccupations and visions. While most of the chakras are very physical, this one is super spiritual and ethereal. The function of the crown chakra is driven by consciousness and gets us in touch with the universal. The Sanskrit name “Sahasrara” can be translated as “thousand petals” or “thousand petal lotus.” It should come as no surprise that the lotus flower represents awakening.

Connecting with Your Crown

In order to connect with your crown chakra, take a moment to find stillness and close your eyes. Bring your energy and awareness to the top of your head or the area just above of your head. In fact, take three complete breaths into that area.

Associated with the element of thought, the crown chakra controls your connection to spirit, as well as your sense of universal consciousness, wisdom, unity, and self-knowledge. Its associated color is violet, reflective of its connection to spirituality and enlightenment.

When Sahasrara is Balanced

A balanced seventh chakra allows you to let go of misunderstandings about who you are and why you are here. Pretty amazing as you change your role, consider your identity, as you plan for marriage. Sahasrara governs your intuition, and links you to the universal life force energy. When the crown chakra is balanced, you are thoughtful, open-minded, and feel at ease and in harmony with the world around you.

When Sahasrara is Unbalanced

However, when this chakra is out of balance, you may experience confusion, a lack of connection to the world and a lack of focus. This can lead to feeling down and depressed. Occasionally an out of balance crown chakra can go the other way. We may become overly aggressive and judgemental of others and their actions, thus forming a type of superiority complex.

So right now you are either patting yourself on the back or completely freaking out. If sahasrara is open and working, congratulations. You’re experiencing direct access to connection, spirituality and focus. Celebrate that.

Blocked energy in the chakras can manifest in our emotional, spiritual, and even physical bodies. When the crown chakra is out of alignment, you may experience withdrawal from other people and avoid having close relationships. You might isolate ourselves and close ourselves off from intimacy and closeness. Certainly not what you want to experience leading up to your wedding.

So, what do we do to balance sahasrara?

1. Go outside! The best way to connect with the world around you, is to go outside in nature. Take deep breaths in the fresh air and feel the wind and sun on your skin.

2. Close your eyes and MEDITATE for 10 minutes. Repeat the affirmation: “I am light. I am love.” You can always add a hand gesture or “mudra.” Spread your fingers out in front of you with your palms facing down towards the earth. Bring your index fingers and thumbs together, forming a pyramid shape. Stretch your remaining fingers straight out and slowly raise the mudra overhead. If you arms grow tired, allow them to rest on your legs for the remainder of the meditation.

3. Plan a Fun Date. This could be with your partner or a close friend. Share a meal or do something you both love. If you run out of ideas, you can ask each other the 36 Questions. The goal here is all about connection.

4. Practice YOGA. Since svadhisthana is located near your sacrum and hips, a practice centered around hip openers will balance this energy center. To balance the sacral, make sure to play with these physical postures:

  • Supported Headstand (Salamba Sirsasana)

  • Plow (Halasana)

  • Supported Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana)

  • Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

Each of the chakras is also linked to a gland. So, if thinking about energy in your head is not concrete, think of connecting with your pituitary gland at the base of your brain. It’s a part of your endocrine system and is in charge of making several essential hormones. Your pituitary gland also tells other endocrine system glands to release hormones.

So, how open is your crown energy center? How’s your sense of connection and spirituality? Did you find anything surprising as you reflected? Anything you would add?

The comment section below is always open to share your thoughts. Or if you want a personalized yoga practice or meditation, feel free to reach out.


Gratituesday 8.23.22 - Reflect and Dream


Gratituesday 8.9.22 - Miracle Mornings