
The journey to the wedding day may be a winding one. I’m happy to share some tips and tricks along the way. I continually offer ways to strengthen your relationship, and provide additional resources & tools. Scroll on down, and click on a post that interests you. The comments are always open, and I would love to know what you think!

Gratituesday 4.30.19 - Holding Space
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 4.30.19 - Holding Space

As I sip on some leftover matzoh ball soup, I am able to not only warm the belly, but reflect on the last few days. My weekend was FULL of counseling. It was all about holding space. I guided Individual, group AND something new -- a Sibling Counseling session!

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Gratituesday 4.23.19 - Brings Me Joy!
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 4.23.19 - Brings Me Joy!

Spring is finally here. It's my favorite time of the year, so it brings me JOY to see the trees budding, the daffodils and tulips blooming and the sun shining! Today on my walk in SoHo, I noticed gorgeous cherry blossoms as I crossed Spring Street. And others did, too as I saw at least 3 people taking pictures with their phones.

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Gratituesday 4.2.19 - The Universe Provides
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 4.2.19 - The Universe Provides

Not much to report. It's exciting to see Spring arrive here in NY. It's really my favorite time of the year. And I really hope the renewal brings the much needed changes in my life and in my business. I have been surrounded by people "making it happen," and those that exude pure positivity. It's a nice reminder that I what I need most, the universe provides.

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Gratituesday 3.26.19 - Welcome Back!
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 3.26.19 - Welcome Back!

I've taken 2 weeks off my Weekly Lists. So, I give myself a hearty Welcome Back. I am not sure if anyone really noticed, but I just didn't have it in me to post them. I did start them last week, but didn't have the positivity to continue.

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Desire Wednesday - Not So Smart
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Desire Wednesday - Not So Smart

When I left my apartment this morning, I noticed a woman carrying an umbrella. Did I think much about it? No, not really. I briefly questioned the chance of rain, but I did my usual stop at the community compost collection before heading down town. Not so smart.

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Gratituesday 2.12.19 - Walking in the Snow!
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 2.12.19 - Walking in the Snow!

Today is one of those days that you stay inside. And how did I start my day? By walking in the snow! Forecast showed a "wintry mix" with accumulation of 2-4". While all of my appointments changed to phone meetings, I needed to meet a potential painter at my new apartment to get an estimate. So I bundled up, donned my snow boots, pressed play on an old episode of "How I Built This" and started walking.

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Gratituesday 2.5.19 - Discover the Good
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 2.5.19 - Discover the Good

For those of you who may not have been able to read through the cryptic notes and comments over the past few weeks, I am a homeowner again. The process that I experienced in buying an apartment Atlanta versus New York was amazingly different. So while everything was difficult in NY, I am currently trying to discover the good. That also goes for the renovation.

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Gratituesday 1.22.19 - A World of Unknown
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 1.22.19 - A World of Unknown

As I've said lots lately, in living in a World of Unknown. Yes, I've always had lots of flux, but this is ridiculous. I am in the middle of a housing transition and there are regular shifts in my business. Surprisingly enough, I am taking the lack of firm answers and a clear path rather well.

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Gratituesday 1.15.19 - It's Going to Be Okay
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 1.15.19 - It's Going to Be Okay

It's all about perspective. And that good news is that it's going to be okay. I mean, perhaps I just need to repeat the phrase over and over again to believe it. But truthfully most of us are just experiencing first-world problems. We may think that everything is going to shit, but if we look at the details, are they really?

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Celebration Thursday 12.27.18 - Positivity
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Celebration Thursday 12.27.18 - Positivity

In tonight's counseling session, one of my beautiful couples spoke about an experience they shared. When I asked R what he needed, he struggled a bit and his courageous wife finally said, "You'd like for me to complain less." While it was not quite what he was asking, it was a welcome offering. The idea of positivity came up. How can you find the positivity in all things? Or at least in MOST things?

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Gratituesday 12.18.18 - Being proactive
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 12.18.18 - Being proactive

I've reached an age where I'm done "paying my dues." Actually I reached it years ago. Instead of being proactive, I sit back. I'm active and available, but passive. So that means that I am largely waiting for things to happen rather than going out and getting them.

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Gratituesday 12.4.18 - The Rush is On!
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 12.4.18 - The Rush is On!

Oh my gosh, how on Earth is it already December??!! The Rush is On! I feel like I've had quite a few posts that express the quick passing of time. But it does still surprise me. I have started doing more regular to-do lists that look at the day vs. ALL of the things that need to get done. But now the rush is on to complete it all.

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