The journey to the wedding day may be a winding one. I’m happy to share some tips and tricks along the way. I continually offer ways to strengthen your relationship, and provide additional resources & tools. Scroll on down, and click on a post that interests you. The comments are always open, and I would love to know what you think!

Giving Yourself Permission
I've been reading Brené Brown's book, Dare to Lead. There are a few concepts in the book that resonate with me. However, what really speaks to me right now is Giving Yourself Permission. First off, don't get all jealous or excited about my productivity. Because I've digitally checked the book out of the library TWICE, and I am on track for having to do it a third time!

I met Tori Cohen a few years ago in a women's networking group. She is so energetic and she SINGS! I tend to highlight folks from the wedding world, however, I thought it time to share those I recommend as part of my premarital counseling practice. It's super clear from the way Tori speaks about her work, that she loves what she does. Many of us hate to organize, so it's best to have someone in your corner that embraces the challenge. Without further ado, here's TORI THE ORGANIZER!

Creating Rituals
We are surrounded by ritual. I am not just saying that because I spend a good chunk of time writing and performing wedding ceremonies. When I speak to my couples about rituals, some look at me with fear or doubt. Yes, the definition of 'ritual' comes from a religious place, but it certainly doesn't have to. But I find the need for ritual in the every day. Um, Taco Tuesday, anyone?
Put a Ring on It - an event for newly engaged couples 9/12/17
Welcome to Operation Challenge Central!
How Much is Too Much?
Getting Unstuck!
When I was 36 years old I realized my career had plateaued. I was not being challenged and there were no huge opportunities on the horizon. In essence I was stuck. After weighing my options, I decided that I needed to make a big change to shake my current situation. So I threw caution to the wind (after literally throwing myself out of an airplane – attached to a big burly guy, but that’s another story) and moved across the country to get my MFA. Was it scary? Yes. But did it force me to take action? You betcha.