Desire Wednesday 10.27.21 - Time for Rest

I’m tired. I had plans to attend an alumni event this evening and I thought about taking a quick nap and then powering through it. I was looking forward to attending, but my body and mind are screaming REST. For those that know me, productivity is super important to me. So it’s rare that I take a day and do nothing. So time for rest is hard for me to take.

However as soon as I got home from teaching meditation, I sent an apologetic email to the organizers of the event. I didn’t give myself a chance to talk myself out it, I listed to my gut, declined going to the event and opted for rest.

This got me thinking about savasana at the end of a yoga class. In my regular classes I pack them full of poses and movement. I mean they are power classes! However, I usually run out of time working on challenging poses and keeping everyone moving, that I don’t leave a ton of time for our final resting pose. If you ask me if savasana is important I will definitely say yes. It’s a powerful pose to allow the body and mind to connect and process what it learned during practice. But isn’t it interesting that I never leave enough time to take more than 2 minutes in stillness? And it’s clear that I don’t value time for rest in my own life.

So perhaps I’m on the verge of a shift. In fact I am taking a pause in teaching my Monday night EmPOWER class and am scheduling a Thursday evening class with no specific format. Perhaps I’ll be more mindful about pace and timing. Perhaps I’ll leave space for rest.

This time of reflection tends to expand and encourage me to consider all the good in my life, and all that I desire. Care to join me in the exploration? The comment section is always open below to question and share. Before I go into resting mode, I’m happy to start. Off we go!


  1. A massage

  2. A nap

  3. To drink more water

  4. More travel experiences

  5. A new watch


  1. A washing machine & dryer in my apartment

  2. Hot coffee

  3. Supportive parents and friends

  4. Quiet spaces in a noisy city

  5. My small but mighty group of regular yoga and meditation students


  1. Catching up on my cleaning schedule

  2. Getting photos from past weddings

  3. Eating in my dining room last night - the room is still a mess, but the table was clear!

  4. A new floor & moulding in my guest room and newly painted walls - repairs for the flooding over the last 4 months

  5. Finally getting new batteries for my wireless keyboard - however my keyboard is not powering up. Whomp, whomp!


Desire Wednesday 11.17.21 - Under a Fall Tree


Choosing My Partner Every Day