Desire Wednesday 12.15.21 - Deepening Connection

This pandemic is not leaving us anytime soon. I think many of us have been in this weird limbo for a while now. Staying to ourselves and not deepening relationships. We’re waiting for things to normalize and while most of the world is open and people are traveling we may still be isolating rather than socializing. Okay, okay, I am going to call myself out here. Maybe it’s not “we” but more “ME!”

I live a rather solitary life. I work mostly alone and I’m not going to lie, for the most part I really like it. While most people think I’m an extrovert, I’m not. However, I avoid stepping out of my little bubble and maybe I use the ‘covid excuse’ a little too much. So, 2022 will be the year of Deepening Connection. And no, I am not waiting until the new year. I actually started yesterday. Intentionally reaching out to people on a personal and/or a professional level. Perhaps meeting new people, and of course, reconnecting with folks I already know - EVERY DAY.

I love that I can do this small and safely. I don’t need a big party, I just need one human connection on a daily basis. So, don’t be surprised if I reach out and say hey, or feel free to schedule time with me. I am so looking forward to what I will learn about those around me, and probably learn about myself. Of course, this exploration is ripe with reflection. I’ve taken a few weeks off from my Weekly Lists, but they’re back this week. Care to join me? The comment section is always open below if you want to question or share or add your own lists. Off we go!


  1. To write and send one final newsletter for the year

  2. To catch up on my cleaning and content calendar

  3. For my couples to prioritize their counseling sessions

  4. A massage

  5. For the world to have a better handle on the covid pandemic


  1. Catering leftovers

  2. Family time over the weekend

  3. Book club - both for reading more regularly and the folks I’ve met from it

  4. My neighbor for watching Maxie when I’m out of town

  5. Health insurance


  1. Hanging the pictures in my living room - with help from my super

  2. Finally replacing some well worn shoes

  3. Booking 2 new weddings this week

  4. 626 Days of Spanish on Duolingo - and a dedication to be fluent this year

  5. Starting to build great relationships




How to be a Zen Bride or Groom