Gratituesday 4.23.24 - From Slavery to Freedom
The story of Passover is one of secrets and springtime, celebration and of course slavery. Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians and were released from bondage to walk through the dessert to freedom. I love Passover and I love creating a Seder. However there is so much strife in our world that the sense of joy is dampened. I am processing it all, and trying to make my Passover experience personal for me.
Sure I do that with food, and community. I am also considering what enslaves me. Um, personal devices anyone? Care to join me in a little reflection? Welcome to my weekly lists. I’m happy to go first.
Chad Pesach Sameach to all who celebrate.
Open windows and sunny days
Friends, new and old
Hot coffee & red wine
My skill and desire to prep and cook a good meal
Yoga and my students for holding me accountable for practicing
The beginning of cleaning out my guest room
It’s Passover!!
Changing Spanish lessons to Language Transfer
Finally getting some jeans hemmed, and new black pants purchased!
Two amazing transformations guiding meditation last week
More wedding and counseling inquiries this week
New wedding yoga photos
To put my clean laundry away, and catch up on other cleaning
New calendar/scheduling software platform
To get back into writing my book on premarital counseling