The journey to the wedding day may be a winding one. I’m happy to share some tips and tricks along the way. I continually offer ways to strengthen your relationship, and provide additional resources & tools. Scroll on down, and click on a post that interests you. The comments are always open, and I would love to know what you think!
Desire Wednesday 7.4.18 - Making a Difference
Happy 4th of July, everyone! My gosh it's hot! Luckily I'm inside with the air conditioner blasting. Talk about making a difference in terms of comfort! However, I'm sure I won't be that happy when I see my Coned bill in a few weeks! I have been keeping my complaining habit at bay, so that's good!
Gratituesday 6.26.18 - Breaking up with Busyness
I was about to say I had very busy days the last 2 days. But I had a conversation with someone recently about reducing the power of "being busy." For the life of me I cannot remember who it was and honestly I cannot remember the specifics of the conversation. But I do remember reframing the idea. Breaking Up with Busyness!
Gratituesday 6.19.18 - One Day Off
I'm tired. As I say to my couples, I take appointments 7 days a week, but I rarely work 7 days. Working in a seasonal business it's hard to say no. That being said, I've been better about keeping one day a week just for me. One Day Off.
Desire Wednesday 6.13.18 - Tackle the List!
It's been a whirlwind of a week and I'm yawning as I type this. I ran out of time yesterday for Gratituesday, but it turns out I was able to easily list my DESIRES this week. Now is the time to TACKLE THE LIST! In fact, I could not stop at 5 desires as I usually list. I struggled on the Gratitudes, but was able to bust out EIGHT desires!
Gratituesday 6.5.18 - Remember the Positive
Many of you know two weeks ago, woman visiting my coworking space on a day pass stole my wallet from my bag. She look little from me and I'm not liable for the charges she made on my credit cards. See I need to remember the positive! Most everything in the wallet has been replaced, and it's all just stuff.
Desire Wednesday 5.23.18 - Synchronicity
As part of doing the Artists Way, we were asked to look for synchronicity. Occurrences and connections that seem to just appear when we need them. In my business practice when I notice that I have more counseling clients and fewer wedding couples, I may ask the universe for balance. Sometimes it appears and sometimes it does not.
Desire Wednesday 5.16.18 - Goals and Wishes
I was too tired last night to post my gratitudes, so I thought it better to take a day and focus on my DESIRES. With the Artists Way AND the business coaching group there have been lots of emphasis on GOALS and WISHES. As I wrote my ONE HUNDRED and FIFTIETH Morning Pages this afternoon, I am calling it my last one.
Gratituesday 5.8.18 - Coaching the Counselor!
I joined a business coaching group led by Teri Scheinzeit and we started meeting last week. While I've done some of the reflection before, it was a nice opportunity to see where I am in my business - what I love doing and what I don't. Coaching the Counselor!
Gratituesday 5.1.18 - Hello Spring!
Gosh, I love Spring! Flowers, sunshine and an amazing sense of possibility. And here in New York, we were OVERDUE. I sensed the unhappiness from my fellow New Yorkers. Now hopefully there will be at least more mindfulness and compassion as we all rush around together.
Gratituesday 4.17.18 - No Time to Spare
The past few days have been full of back to back appointments and commitments. So there's no time to spare and I have to be efficient with my time. I "just" enough time to write and post Weekly Lists. No time to mull over them as I sometimes do especially since I had to start again because I accidentally closed the Edit Post window in WordPress before saving the draft! Hello resilience!
Celebration Thursday 4.12.18 - Resilience
I've been super tired lately, but thankfully there is resilience in body and mind. I think I've been getting plenty of sleep, but maybe it's not enough.
Gratituesday 4.3.18 - Time Flies
I am not really sure where today went. In fact, I say this most days. Truth is time flies. Perhaps I need to have a list of tasks I did in a given day to remind me. But I guess that's what a crossed out to-do list is for. And while I have gotten things done, I don't know how helpful that list is.
Gratituesday 3.27.18 - I'm Working!
I started the Artist's Way at the beginning of December and I'm currently on Week 10. Yes, I "should" already be done. Don't judge. This week is all about recognizing and eliminating toxic patterns. When I saw the section entitled, "Workaholism" I got nervous.
Gratituesday 3.20.18 - I Get Knocked Down, but I Get Up Again!
About a week and a half ago I thought to myself that I managed to get through an entire winter without getting sick. I attributed it to using my neti pot daily, washing my hands regularly, eating well and practicing yoga. Then last Sunday I got a stomach bug and I started sneezing on Tuesday.
Gratituesday 3.13.18 - Creating a To-do List
I created a to-do list in one of my many notebooks last Wednesday. It's now almost a week later and I was able to check off only 14 of the 23 items on the list. Yay me for getting things done, but how come I just cannot get EVERYTHING done? This is a new habit and it was a crazy busy week. Some of the items are also more complex or take time. However are these just excuses? Perhaps.
Gratituesday 3.6.18 - Live Now!
I went into writing my Weekly Lists full of positivity and excitement, but as I sit here typing I'm overcome with a bad case of the "I Don't Wannas." I had to push through them yesterday to practice yoga and apparently here I am again.
DESIRES Wednesday 2.28.18 - Baby steps!
Okay, it's finally gotten to the point where my DESIRES have outshined my Gratitudes. So no Gratituesday. Here's Desire Wednesday and the start of taking baby steps!
Gratituesday 2.20.18 - Finding Connection...and my cute vest!
Gratituesday 2.13.18 - Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler
I started the day thinking it was National Pancake Day! So, I planned to take myself out to breakfast, only to discover that the day is not celebrated until March! But I failed to realize that it was Mardi Gras. Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler, y'all! Let the good times roll!
Gratituesday 2.6.18 - Too tired!
I'm not really sure where the last week went! I have not been sleeping very well so in my tiredness it's been harder to reflect and ponder on my lists. I'm just too tired!