The journey to the wedding day may be a winding one. I’m happy to share some tips and tricks along the way. I continually offer ways to strengthen your relationship, and provide additional resources & tools. Scroll on down, and click on a post that interests you. The comments are always open, and I would love to know what you think!
The Benefits of Barefoot
How Much is Too Much?
Losing Weight Check-in #6
Can Cynicism be Healthy?
Here we go with the second installment of the Tommy Housworth recommended posts. If you missed the first one, read it here. There are a couple of things that went through my head when he posed the question, "Can Cynicism Be Healthy?" First, was 'Sure!'
Losing Weight Check-in #5
Losing Weight: Check in #4
Losing Weight - Check-in #3
Losing Weight - Check in #2
Losing Weight - Check in #1
Getting Back In
The Virtues of Alone Time
As I prepared to leave Atlanta and head to grad school a few years ago my friend and fellow Souper Jenny soup slinger, Merrideth Ziesse gave me the best advice. "Live alone," she said.