
The journey to the wedding day may be a winding one. I’m happy to share some tips and tricks along the way. I continually offer ways to strengthen your relationship, and provide additional resources & tools. Scroll on down, and click on a post that interests you. The comments are always open, and I would love to know what you think!

Premarital Counseling: PARENTING and CHILD RAISING

Premarital Counseling: PARENTING and CHILD RAISING

Amazingly some couples never discuss whether they are on the same page about having kids. If you want kids, but your partner does not, is that a deal breaker in the relationship? Since this is not an area one can compromise, that needs to be the first discussion. We can certainly do that in premarital counseling!

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Building Community

Building Community

We live in a growing world that’s growing smaller every day due to the ease of communication through social media. But those connections while miraculous and easy, don’t usually result in true friendships. In building community. In my pre-marital counseling program, we discuss topics that tend to trip couples up in their marriage. Talking through social activities and time spent together in and out of the relationship is on that list.

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Children & Parenting Hope Mirlis Children & Parenting Hope Mirlis

Building Strong Relationships: CHILDREN & PARENTING

I was dreading this pre-marital topic because it's one that I have the least amount of experience. I work mostly with couples who have yet to have children, and I don't have any kids myself, so I have limited knowledge of how the issues around parenting affect a marriage or a relationship. However, after meeting with a good friend on Friday who shared the experience around her parents' divorce when she was a small child, I realized I had the experience of my own childhood. Being raised by strong parents who have been married for 46 years and counting. I am not sure why I didn't think to use them more this week. But alas, I will use them now.

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