
The journey to the wedding day may be a winding one. I’m happy to share some tips and tricks along the way. I continually offer ways to strengthen your relationship, and provide additional resources & tools. Scroll on down, and click on a post that interests you. The comments are always open, and I would love to know what you think!

Gratituesday 2.25.20 - Surplus!
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 2.25.20 - Surplus!

Hi, my name is Hope, and I have an umbrella problem. An umbrella surplus problem, to be exact. I own about 10 umbrellas, but then I fail to check the forecast and get caught in the rain. So I either grab one from hotel coat checks or lost & founds, or buy a brand new one. I'm sure I'm not the only one. However, for you it may be condiments, over the counter meds, baking soda or something else. In any case you have a surplus of something you DON'T need!

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Healthy Living, Motivation, Vendors I Love Hope Mirlis Healthy Living, Motivation, Vendors I Love Hope Mirlis


I met Tori Cohen a few years ago in a women's networking group. She is so energetic and she SINGS! I tend to highlight folks from the wedding world, however, I thought it time to share those I recommend as part of my premarital counseling practice. It's super clear from the way Tori speaks about her work, that she loves what she does. Many of us hate to organize, so it's best to have someone in your corner that embraces the challenge. Without further ado, here's TORI THE ORGANIZER!

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Celebration Thursday 1.2.20 - Welcome Home!
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Celebration Thursday 1.2.20 - Welcome Home!

Welcome to 2020, and for me it's finally Welcome Home. Welcome to my new home, that is. Some of you may know that I've struggled for the last few years trying to find an apartment in Manhattan, and then once I found one, it was equally challenging to not only purchase, but renovate and then inhabit. I believe I've said it before, but this process is not for the faint of heart.

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Celebration Thursday 12.5.19 - Listening Up!
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Celebration Thursday 12.5.19 - Listening Up!

In one of my meditations this week, I spoke about quieting the body and the mind in order to pay attention to the world around us. Really, just being able to LISTEN UP. And I tend to share things that I need to hear myself. There is so much clutter in the world around me, that it's important to be able to let go of the distractions and just listen.

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Celebration Thursday 10.24.19 - Symbols of Fall
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Celebration Thursday 10.24.19 - Symbols of Fall

There are many symbols of fall and they are all quite relevant in my life, currently. Change, Mystery, Protection, Comfort and Letting Go. The last one - letting go - holds a regular place in my meditation practice, and the first one - change - is pretty much a constant in my life. However the middle 3 are very powerful, yet I don't consider them as often.

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Gratituesday 9.10.19 - Let it Go!
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 9.10.19 - Let it Go!

I always write my Weekly Lists before the blog post introduction. My final DESIRE was originally - To let go of the disappointment that others rarely give as much as I do, but to keep giving anyway! Yes, I did start singing the song from Frozen. Then I quickly stopped because my nephew HATES that song.

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Gratituesday 7.30.19 - Make Me Stronger
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 7.30.19 - Make Me Stronger

I have seen such adversity lately, that I really don't know how I've managed to get through the day. But in all honestly, they really are just #firstworldproblems. I have food to eat and while my landlord is doing their darnedest to evict me, I still have a roof over my head. But solving these problems have certainly made me stronger!

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