
The journey to the wedding day may be a winding one. I’m happy to share some tips and tricks along the way. I continually offer ways to strengthen your relationship, and provide additional resources & tools. Scroll on down, and click on a post that interests you. The comments are always open, and I would love to know what you think!

Gratituesday 10.2.18 - Take it SLOW
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 10.2.18 - Take it SLOW

I speak to people all the time that are overwhelmed. Even this evening, the couple that I met with was already overwhelmed with the options around wedding planning and their wedding is OVER a YEAR away! So I encouraged them to Take It Slow.

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Gratituesday 9.25.18 - Rainy Day Gratitudes
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 9.25.18 - Rainy Day Gratitudes

Today was a super rainy day, so it would have been very easy to be completely lazy today. I got an early start and was able to get lots of errands done. An early counseling appointment, catching up on emails, and then a trip to the bank to get some documents I need for my home purchase. There was LOTS of coffee.

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Gratituesday 9.18.18 - Dragging and Itchy!
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 9.18.18 - Dragging and Itchy!

I have been very tired lately. I've been putting up quite a front, but I'm just dragging. That may be that I've been working long hours or perhaps it's because my cat wakes me up multiple times throughout the night. My fall allergies have hit me hard, so I am also super itchy. Dragging and itchy. Nice, right?

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Gratituesday 9.11.18 - Never Forget
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 9.11.18 - Never Forget

Today there were a flurry of 9/11 posts on social media. Lots of never forget hashtags. A ton of photos of Lower Manhattan. Recounts of where folks were and how they found out about the planes hitting the twin towers and The Pentagon. What I'd like to "never forget" is the kindness, compassion and care in the days that followed.

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Gratituesday 9.4.18 - Urgency
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 9.4.18 - Urgency

September is the month of urgency. I find it funny that at this time every year people say, "gosh, where has the time gone?" or "how is it september already??" It's like we weren't paying attention or being present in the every day. This time of year is also very much about new beginnings.

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Gratituesday 8.14.18 - Shine a Light
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 8.14.18 - Shine a Light

I lead a meditation yesterday that was about finding the tension in your life and being able to shine a light on it. With awareness and breath, it would be easier to release the tension or negativity. A few of my students mentioned that they were on track for a crazy week with a new project, so through meditation they were able to prioritize and find a bit of stillness.

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Gratituesday 8.7.18 - The Dog Days of Summer
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 8.7.18 - The Dog Days of Summer

Gosh, it's hot. We're in the dog days of summer. And just like the heat caused Atlantans to slow down, I feel like I'm moving through molasses. I get a list of things done, then I want to take a nap! In New York, we move quickly. Heck, I move quickly. But right now my brain is slow and by body isn't far behind.

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Gratituesday 7.31.18 - Ganesha: The Remover of Obstacles
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 7.31.18 - Ganesha: The Remover of Obstacles

Ganesha, the Hindu deity has always resonated with me. I am not sure why. But today when I got my eyebrows threaded I noticed a statue of Ganesha: The Remover of Obstacles as I got up from the chair. From The Chopra Center's website, "Ganesha is honored throughout Indian and in Hindu cultures, at both secular and religious ceremonies. When someone launches a new business or moves into a new home, for example, the elephant-headed god is invoked to bless the venture."

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Desire Wednesday 7.25.18 - National Days of Celebration
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Desire Wednesday 7.25.18 - National Days of Celebration

Yesterday was National Tequila Day, today is National Wine & Cheese Day. Tomorrow is National Coffee Milkshake Day. What's with these National Days of Celebration? In all honest, some of them are completely stupid. But then, what's wrong with celebrating EVERY DAY? I am currently writing a blog post on RITUAL.

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Building Community

Building Community

We live in a growing world that’s growing smaller every day due to the ease of communication through social media. But those connections while miraculous and easy, don’t usually result in true friendships. In building community. In my pre-marital counseling program, we discuss topics that tend to trip couples up in their marriage. Talking through social activities and time spent together in and out of the relationship is on that list.

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Gratituesday 7.17.18 - Stay Active
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 7.17.18 - Stay Active

Lots to do and I'm doing my best to stay productive. Stay active. However the only thing I am really dragging my feet on is my involvement in my community. There is constant talk about the world (and our country) being a scary place. However, I've been stuck in complacency for so long. Truth is I need to be better informed and then I need to take a stand.

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Gratituesday 7.10.18 - Yoga Toes
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 7.10.18 - Yoga Toes

I am super proud of my yoga toes! Sometimes when I get a pedicure, the technician doesn't put those spongy spacers or the rolled up tissues around my toes. My toes have good separation between them so they're easy to polish - or at least the polish doesn't smudge because my toes aren't smooched up together. There are separators you can buy called 'yoga toes,' but I don't need those puppies!

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Desire Wednesday 7.4.18 - Making a Difference
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Desire Wednesday 7.4.18 - Making a Difference

Happy 4th of July, everyone! My gosh it's hot! Luckily I'm inside with the air conditioner blasting. Talk about making a difference in terms of comfort! However, I'm sure I won't be that happy when I see my Coned bill in a few weeks! I have been keeping my complaining habit at bay, so that's good!

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Gratituesday 6.26.18 - Breaking up with Busyness
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 6.26.18 - Breaking up with Busyness

I was about to say I had very busy days the last 2 days. But I had a conversation with someone recently about reducing the power of "being busy." For the life of me I cannot remember who it was and honestly I cannot remember the specifics of the conversation. But I do remember reframing the idea. Breaking Up with Busyness!

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Gratituesday 6.19.18 - One Day Off
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 6.19.18 - One Day Off

I'm tired. As I say to my couples, I take appointments 7 days a week, but I rarely work 7 days. Working in a seasonal business it's hard to say no. That being said, I've been better about keeping one day a week just for me. One Day Off.

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