
The journey to the wedding day may be a winding one. I’m happy to share some tips and tricks along the way. I continually offer ways to strengthen your relationship, and provide additional resources & tools. Scroll on down, and click on a post that interests you. The comments are always open, and I would love to know what you think!

Gratituesday 5.19.20 - I'm Grateful. Are You?
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 5.19.20 - I'm Grateful. Are You?

Usually I fill this space with some new insight I want to share. An experience or a thought, a resource or a tip. But I have to say, I've got nothing! Or at least nothing is coming to mind. Tuesdays for me are all about reflecting and sharing the positive things in my life. So I am making a call to action to get you involved here. Truly.

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5 Reasons to do Premarital Counseling

5 Reasons to do Premarital Counseling

The reasons couples come to me for premarital counseling are as diverse as the couples themselves. It pleases me to report that most couples do not reach out because they have major problems, although though some do. More often than not, they want to strengthen the relationship they already have, as they plan for the future.

Here are the top reasons that couples like YOU may benefit from premarital counseling!

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Vendors I Love, Weddings Hope Mirlis Vendors I Love, Weddings Hope Mirlis


I met Allison Davis of DAVIS ROW a few years ago at a small wedding expo. Our paths continually cross, which is awesome because her positivity and enthusiasm are infectious. I have to fess up and say that I have yet to work with Allison, but gosh, I cannot wait for that to happen on an upcoming wedding ceremony. Last year, she introduced me to one of her couples and explained the way she works and refers potential creative partners. I thought the process was detailed and smart and I was truly taken aback by Allison's care and integrity. Folks, she's undoubtedly an amazing advocate to have. Without further ado, here's ALLISON DAVIS!

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Gratituesday 4.28.20 - Out in the World
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 4.28.20 - Out in the World

It's been 3 weeks, and I finally decided to get back out in the world. Every day I keep saying that I will head out and take a walk, but every day I wind up opening my windows and stay inside. This morning I ran out of milk - and I cannot drink my coffee without milk - so off I went out in the world. Luckily, my grocery store is a block away, and when I arrived I was first on line to enter the store.

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Gratitudes, Vendors I Love, Weddings Hope Mirlis Gratitudes, Vendors I Love, Weddings Hope Mirlis


Jay and I worked together a few years ago on a lovely ceremony at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens. I appreciated the way he knew instinctively how to create mood and energy. I contact everyone involved in the ceremony ahead of time and touch base with them onsite to make sure we're on the same page. It was immediately clear that Jay had my back. He was prepared and ready, and more importantly was a team player. That support shines through as we all strive to make the day as seamless as possible. He's a pro. Without further ado, here's JAY McELFRESH!

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Giving Yourself Permission

Giving Yourself Permission

I've been reading Brené Brown's book, Dare to Lead. There are a few concepts in the book that resonate with me. However, what really speaks to me right now is Giving Yourself Permission. First off, don't get all jealous or excited about my productivity. Because I've digitally checked the book out of the library TWICE, and I am on track for having to do it a third time!

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Gratituesday 4.21.20 - Celebrating Victories
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 4.21.20 - Celebrating Victories

Yesterday, I shared a small victory with my mother, that I achieved out of lack. I was unable to find what I needed, so I made a better alternative work. She immediately scolded me for not telling her what I didn't have. I made a major stride in something I tried for months to accomplish, however she questioned my failure of going the usual route. Without thinking, I asked her why she wasn't helping me celebrate my victory?

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Gratituesday 4.14.20 - Vertigo Returns
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 4.14.20 - Vertigo Returns

During yoga last Thursday I noticed I was a little lightheaded. I mentioned it to my friend, Maria towards the end of practice and she suggested grabbing a glass of water after making sure I had breakfast. (um, I'm never one to skip a meal!) We had a genuine mystery on our hands! The following day I started getting dizzy and I realized (dun, dun, dun) that it was a case of the Vertigo Returns!

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Gratituesday 3.31.20 - Find the Good
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 3.31.20 - Find the Good

All of my pre-marital counseling session currently start with a check-in of the new normal. In times of crisis it's important to find the good. Most of my couples are grieving the fact they have to change their wedding dates. Some are working from home in super tight spaces. And I do have one couple both in the medical profession and on the front lines. So in general things are pretty sucky.

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Appreciation and the 5 Love Languages

Appreciation and the 5 Love Languages

Just as all of us were starting to shelter-at-home, Amy Shack Egan of Modern Rebel asked me to join her on Instagram Live to talk 'emotional wellness' in our current crisis. Amy posed 5 questions, but with limited time together, I was only able to offer limited responses. Two weeks ago, I wrote about Respecting Boundaries. Today, I answer the question, "What are small ways to show appreciation for your partner during this time?" However, when I think appreciation, I first think of Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages.

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Gratituesday 3.24.20 - Embrace Calm
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 3.24.20 - Embrace Calm

As we isolate at home, we're doing our best to stay connected. However, we're forgetting to embrace calm. We're searching for answers, but it's hard to distinguish fact from fiction. We're trying to work, and stay informed, but it's largely overwhelming. That's when we HAVE TO embrace calm.

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Respecting Boundaries in our Current Crisis (part 1)

Respecting Boundaries in our Current Crisis (part 1)

On Friday, I got an email from one of my PM Counseling couples with their agenda for the next session. I usually see "Family Relationships" or "Finances," but what I got was "Respecting boundaries during isolation." So when wedding planner, Amy Shack Egan from Modern Rebel asked me to join her on Instagram LiveStream to talk about couple's wellness and her first question was "For couples working from home - what are small ways to draw boundaries + be intentional about alone time?" I was totally ready!

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Gratituesday 3.17.20 - Physical Distance!
Gratitudes, Healthy Living Hope Mirlis Gratitudes, Healthy Living Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 3.17.20 - Physical Distance!

There was that theatre game I did with my Drama 10 students at UC Davis where we walked around the room and they selected someone to stay as far away from and someone who could offer protection. After playing with each individually, I guided them to walk around and make sure that placed their protector between them and the person they selected to stay away from. Did anyone else play or teach this game?

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Gratituesday 3.10 - Happy Holi!
Gratitudes Hope Mirlis Gratitudes Hope Mirlis

Gratituesday 3.10 - Happy Holi!

Today is not only Gratituesday, it's the Indian holiday, Holi. So, Happy Holi, everyone! Holi is a festival to celebrate the full moon, Spring, lots and lots of color and just love, in general. So, while the entire world is freaking out about the coronavirus/COVID-19, we can do our best to celebrate joy, happiness and laughter!

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