The journey to the wedding day may be a winding one. I’m happy to share some tips and tricks along the way. I continually offer ways to strengthen your relationship, and provide additional resources & tools. Scroll on down, and click on a post that interests you. The comments are always open, and I would love to know what you think!
Victory Thursday 1.20.22 - Inspiration
Winter is hard for many people. At least for me, I lack inspiration. In yesterday’s book club meeting on Zoom, we were asked to change our displayed names and include our inspiration level from 1 to 10. I rated myself a 7. I am getting things done, but I am not hugely inspired.
Gratituesday 1.4.22 - Isolation
It feels like everyone has covid right now. Okay, not everyone, but if I was a betting woman, I’d put money on the fact that everyone I know knows at least 1 person with covid right now. I personally know 3. That means that people are quarantining and/or in isolation. And isolation is so damaging as we as a society crave socialization.
I met Michelle Peralta at an industry event in 2019. I love that she and her team are not only super calm and organized, but they are all about supporting others and are total team players. Without further ado, I am so excited to shine some very well deserved attention onto JOSIE MICHELLE EVENTS.
Desire Wednesday 12.15.21 - Deepening Connection
I think many of us have been in this weird limbo for a while now. Staying to ourselves and not deepening relationships. I avoid stepping out of my little bubble and maybe I use the ‘covid excuse’ a little too much. So, 2022 will be the year of Deepening Connection. Perhaps meeting new people, and of course, reconnecting with folks I already know - EVERY DAY.
How to be a Zen Bride or Groom
The wedding planning process may be an emotional rollercoaster. Therefore it’s even more important to be a Zen Bride or Groom. Finding calm to better handle the ups and down you may experience. Here’s now you can become the queen or king of calm in five easy steps.
Taking time to SLOW DOWN
After a year of go, go, go, I decided it was time to be intentional and SLOW DOWN. Sure, I add a ton of Zen to my business and daily practice, but for the most part I value productivity. It's really difficult to do nothing, and I get frustrated if I don't have a list of completed to-dos at the end of the day. Does that sound like you, too?
Desire Wednesday 11.17.21 - Under a Fall Tree
In today’s meditation I guided us into an open field and we took a walk to a small hill and sat underneath a colorful fall tree. We felt the sun on our skin and breathed in the crispy clean air. Bring on the reflection!
Desire Wednesday 10.27.21 - Time for Rest
I’m tired. I had plans to attend an alumni event this evening and I thought about taking a quick nap and then powering through it. I was looking forward to attending, but my body and mind are screaming REST.
Choosing My Partner Every Day
In a recent premarital counseling session, I brainstormed ways to build connection and schedule regular date nights with one of my couples. Then the groom turned to me and asked, "How do I make sure that she chooses me every day?"
Victory Thursday 10.14.21 - Lead with Success!
It’s been over a year since I’ve lead with my successes. I have been celebrating Gratituesday primarily so if I missed a Tuesday, I tended to just skip the week. So welcome back to Victory Thursday. I welcome you to join in the fun.
Why Hire a Professional Officiant?
Ask any wedding planner, photographer, or DJ whether they prefer to work with a family friend or a professional officiant and they will tell you the same thing: definitely hire a professional.
Here’s why.
Gratituesday 9.21.21 - Crazy, Crazy Week!
But I love that the only break I have in my week aligns with Gratituesday! Let’s take a moment to reflect and remember the good and plan for the future. Welcome to my weekly lists.
Desire Wednesday 9.8.21 - Choices and Trade-offs
Every September my nose starts running, and my mouth gets itchy. I forget that I have fall allergies every year and think I am sick. Of course, in this time of COVID, I think that even though I’ve been careful, I finally caught the virus. It’s just seasonal allergies, folks. Once the first frost hits, it all goes away!
I met Jason a few years ago working on a micro wedding at Wythe Hotel. As great planners do, he kept all the plates spinning in the air, as he moved gracefully between the couple, the hotel staff and the guests. Without further ado, I’d love to shine a big ol’ spotlight on JASON MITCHELL KAHN!
Gratituesday 8.17.21- Water, water, everywhere!
I love being on the water or by the water. There’s something about boating or being on the beach that is so calming. And then there is my plumbing issue that dampens the positivity!
Desire Wednesday 8.11.21 - Curveballs
I’ve been thrown a lot of curve balls lately. It would be easy for me to just power down. However I’ve decided that the best way through a problem is right through. Well, that and tons of direct communication, being open to creative solutions and releasing perfection.
Vendors I Love: MG Hair and Make-up
I first learned about MG Hair & Makeup at The Love Union. Each of their artists always showed such care and skill. Finally at this past Love Union, I had the honor to meet MG herself. Without further ado, I am so excited to shine a little light on Megan Garmers from mg hair & makeup!
Premarital Counseling: COMMUNICATION
Communication is the first thing we cover in premarital counseling. Why? Because if you cannot openly talk with your partner, it will be challenging to discuss any other issues and concerns or share any care and compliments.
Gratituesday 7.27.21- Consider the Good
I ask my counseling couples about their strongest beliefs about themselves and the world. Usually the personal thoughts are pretty positive. However, their beliefs about the world…those are rather grim. Therefore, it’s important to consider the good.
Vendors I Love: DJ MARCUS HO
I met Marcus working on a wedding in Brooklyn a few months ago. I really appreciated his energy and his willingness to collaborate. And his selections for cocktail hour were certainly on point! Without further ado, I’m so excited to shine a little light onto MARCUS HO!